
Poszukujemy pracownika socjalnego

Stowarzyszenie Monar poszukuje pracownika socjalnego do współpracy z brytyjską organizacją St. Mungo’s.


– jesteś pracownikiem Stowarzyszenia Monar
mówisz i piszesz po angielsku (w stopniu bardzo dobrym)
– wiesz jakiego wsparcia wymagają osoby bezdomne (mile widziana wiedza dotycząca terapii uzależnień)
– wiesz na czym polega współpraca z opieką społeczną i znasz zawiłości prawa dotyczące wsparcia osób bezdomnych
– jesteś gotów/gotowa spędzać 2 tygodnie w miesiącu w Londynie

Zapraszamy do przesyłania CV i listu motywacyjnego na adres: a.grzelka@monar.org

Na ewentualne pytania i zgłoszenia czekamy do 10 listopada
Expectations of the MONAR worker:

To participate in a 7 day a week rota working flexibly from office base, street outreach or in accommodation settings.
To carry a case load of clients in London and in Poland, working in both locations to ensure effective supported reconnections are achieved.
To maintain up to date knowledge in all areas of reconnection including but not limited to EEA national eligibility and entitlements and treatment, social care, housing and support entitlements in both the UK and Poland.
To undertake comprehensive assessments of the needs of rough sleepers currently staying at METRO project, taking into account their physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs.
To have sound knowledge of a variety of assessment and screening tools used by social workers in Poland.
To organise, facilitate and evaluate reconnection and re-integration plans including arranging treatment to meet the health or substance misuse needs of clients in both the UK and Poland. Where appropriate include the views of the client’s family and enable family mediation
To provide strength-based interventions to rough sleepers referred to the service
To offer consultation and specialist advice to colleagues from St Mungo’s  multi-disciplinary team, regarding appropriate treatment available in Poland
To liaise effectively with Polish social services and other agencies providing services to homeless with complex needs, ensuring that all relevant procedures are followed accordingly.
To have a sound knowledge of social welfare system in Poland and where applicable, prepare required documents prior to reconnection e.g. medical evidence for eligibility to claim disability benefits.
To establish working relationships and maintain referral routes to specialist services e.g. Dual diagnosis services, legal advise, social welfare, child maintenance, police checks, employment teams, counselling for victims of human trafficking and labour exploitation
To attend relevant meetings within the community or hospital settings.
To build strong links with MOPS/GOPS/OPS (acronyms for Social services centres in towns and rural areas) in identified key local authorities(e.g. Cities of Warsaw, Gdansk, Wroclaw, Kraków, Poznan)